With January 1st fast approaching, I want to share the 3-step approach to setting goals that has helped me over this past year. We’ve all been there - we set goals, we try our best for a few weeks and then we give up because we get frustrated. It’s happened to me too - a lot. But something changed during the summer of 2019. I finally acknowledged that my success depends on how consistently I can do the things that I need to do on a DAILY basis. Let me share how I arrived at this realization with this 3-step approach.
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
2:30 - Lessons We’ve Learned From Leaning Out
13:00 - Defining Food Volume and Explaining it’s Importance
21:00 - Protein Intake MATTERS
26:30 - “Does a bigger calorie surplus equal faster muscle growth?”
36:00 - A Brief Technical Difficulty
39:00 - It’s a Long Term Game
42:00 - How to Calculate Your Maintenance Calories and Protein Requirements
48:00 - Experience > Theory
51:00 - “How can you eat (insert donuts or ice cream) and still be so lean?”
58:00 - Food is Meant to be Enjoyed
60:00 - Another Technical Difficulty. Thanks for Listening!
Show Timestamps:
1:00 - Intro
5:40 - Book Recommendations
12:00 - How I’m Getting Leaner
30:00 - How to Create a Mobility and Stretching Routine
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Intro
2:30 - Asking for your help :)
7:00 - Lessons learned from tracking macros
14:00 - Food volume is key
20:00 - Weight will fluctuate
27:00 - How to calculate your starting macros
37:00 - Business for Unicorns
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Intro / Show Breakdown
5:00 - Theo’s 6-Week Nutrition Challenge
17:00 - Hiring my Good Friend, Coach D
23:00 - My Mental Health in May
28:00 - Breaking Down Body Image
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
2:00 - My gameplan for April
3:30 - What is a high quality meal?
8:00 - It’s all about compliance and sustainability
14:00 - On cheat meals
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Prioritize and focus on principles - not methods
3:00 - Is a body part split more effective than push, pull, legs for gaining strength and mass?
10:00 - Training principles that I focus on for myself and my clients
Read MoreIn this episode, I answer some questions regarding my favourite exercises for overall health and I share my philosophy and outlook on nutrition and movement variability and how that affects our performance inside and outside of the gym. I also share what I learned as a coach by having my clients push heavy ass sleds back and forth last week. Lastly, I talk about the importance of mastering the basics when you’re a beginner in the gym and how that will help you build a strong foundation so that you can continue to make progress for years to come.
Read MoreIn this episode, I share how I recover from my training through proper programming, sleep and nutrition. I dive into the importance of sleep and how it affects my performance in the gym but more importantly - outside of the gym. I also talk about what I’m currently doing for my training and how I am managing my recovery throughout the week.
Read MoreIn this episode, I share my experience with meal prepping and what I’ve learned over the last 8 years. Over the last 8 years, I’ve teared down the process to make it as efficient and effective as possible. This episode is for those who are looking to shake up their meal prep process or even for those who are looking to start cooking for themselves but don’t know how to begin.
Read MoreIn this episode, Coach D (@powerphysique) joins me and proceeds to drop knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb regarding training, coaching clients to successful transformations, how neurotyping has changed the way he trains and his biggest piece of advice for aspiring lifters and coaches. Do not sleep on this episode. I knew D was going to come on here and crush it and that is exactly what he did.
Read MoreOur minds are unreliable, emotional and inconsistent. Numbers, statistics and photos provide hard, objective facts. As always, the best time to start was a year ago. The second best time to start is now.
Read MoreThe most important aspect of training is very simple. It's not the amount of weight you do. It's not the sets and reps that you do. It's not the program you're on. It doesn't even matter if your coach is the best or just average. The most important part of training is your consistency.
Read MoreMajoring in the minors is a very common mistake that we've all made in the past. It is a crippling mistake that can set us back or even prevent us from even getting started. Basically, majoring in the minors means that we're worrying about the things that don't really matter - yet.
Read MoreAs a coach, I get a lot of questions regarding how to make progress in the gym and also out of the gym. The most common questions always focus around losing fat. Everyone wants to lose fat and I totally understand.
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