In this episode, I share some quotes and notes from stoic philosophers Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca that have helped me in my personal development journey. I also share a few misc training and health notes that you may find helpful in your own journey. Enjoy!
Read MoreAnd just like that, we are wrapping up The Four Doctors series. This episode is all about Dr. Quiet and Dr. Happiness. The main questions to ask yourself are: What makes me happy? How often am I currently doing those things? In a perfect world, how often do I want to be doing those things? Enjoy!
Read MoreShow Notes:
In this episode, I share how I’m spending my time during this COVID-19 situation. I also encourage you to to take this as an opportunity to do the things that you’ve always wanted to do but maybe never made the time for. Hope you’re taking care of your physical, emotional and mental health during this time! Focus on what you can control.
Read MoreThis is the COVID-19 edition of the Building Strength Podcast. Hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy and taking care of their physical and mental health. Sending lots of love!!
Read MoreBIG podcast coming at you! I’m sharing the top 10 lessons that I learned in the last 10 years. The last 10 years have been an awesome period of growth and I’m looking forward to the next 10 years. Strap yourself in because I share some nitty gritty things that I haven’t talked about in a while. Enjoy!
Read MoreWith January 1st fast approaching, I want to share the 3-step approach to setting goals that has helped me over this past year. We’ve all been there - we set goals, we try our best for a few weeks and then we give up because we get frustrated. It’s happened to me too - a lot. But something changed during the summer of 2019. I finally acknowledged that my success depends on how consistently I can do the things that I need to do on a DAILY basis. Let me share how I arrived at this realization with this 3-step approach.
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Making a positive impact
3:30 - Social media and it’s impact on our creativity
11:00 - Cellphone notifications
15:00 - Scheduling your dream week / timeblocking
27:00 - The Four F’s
31:00 - Current Journal Setup
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Intro / Show Breakdown
5:00 - Theo’s 6-Week Nutrition Challenge
17:00 - Hiring my Good Friend, Coach D
23:00 - My Mental Health in May
28:00 - Breaking Down Body Image
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
2:30 - My Injury History
6:20 - Theo’s Ultimate Guide to Handling Injuries
9:20 - Ask for help!
16:30 - Do the work
20:00 - Keep training
27:00 - Don’t make it worse
Read MoreOften times I get questions about meal timing, fasted training, going keto and many other minor items. Here's the thing - most of us (myself included) simply need to focus on a few major items.
Read MoreShow Timestamps:
1:00 - Prioritize and focus on principles - not methods
3:00 - Is a body part split more effective than push, pull, legs for gaining strength and mass?
10:00 - Training principles that I focus on for myself and my clients
Read MoreIn this episode, Coach D (@powerphysique) joins me and proceeds to drop knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb regarding training, coaching clients to successful transformations, how neurotyping has changed the way he trains and his biggest piece of advice for aspiring lifters and coaches. Do not sleep on this episode. I knew D was going to come on here and crush it and that is exactly what he did.
Read MoreAs a young powerlifter, the goal was always more weight. That was the sole focus. Once I hit a 405lb deadlift, the next goal was 455lbs and once I hit that, I immediately wanted to hit 495lbs. This was the case for the squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press. I started my strength journey in the powerlifting realm and stayed there for a good 6-8 years. I don’t regret my time in this world because I became very proficient in executing and coaching these 3 lifts during that time. The reason I am sharing this is because I want to remind you not to get too caught up in the weights you’re lifting.
Read MoreIn this episode, I share what I’ve learned through the process of tracking my income and expenses and WHY I think it is so important to face your finances head on. I also share HOW I track my expenses on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. I know that it can be uncomfortable to talk about money but it needs to be done!
Read MoreWhen it comes to your training schedule, be mindful of your work and life schedule and how those can affect your training plans. For me, Saturday mornings are spent at Myodetox Performance. It is always a great time with lots of amazing people. The only thing is that the social interaction with our team and our members absolutely crushes me.
Read MoreIn this episode, I share how I am approaching my goals for 2019 and how I decided on these items. By reflecting on what I did well and didn’t do well in 2018, what area of life I want to improve the most and what I need to do in order to do so, I was able to come up with a few big goals that I share in this episode.
Read MoreIn this episode, I share what I’ve been working through over the last 4-8 weeks. I definitely got burnt out from working too much and not recovering enough from that workload. I’m feeling a lot better now and more ‘back to normal’ after taking some time off to reflect and recharge. I also talk about what I learned about myself through this rough patch and how my biggest strengths are also my biggest weaknesses. Towards the end of the episode, I share my process of reflecting on 2018 and how I’m setting myself up for 2019.
Read MoreI’ve been training myself for about 10 years now and I want to share 5 lessons that I had to learn the hard way so you don’t have to. Let’s get right into it…
Read MoreOur minds are unreliable, emotional and inconsistent. Numbers, statistics and photos provide hard, objective facts. As always, the best time to start was a year ago. The second best time to start is now.
Read More"In many of my public talks, I guide a very simple 10-second exercise. I tell the audience members to each identify two human beings in the room and just think, "I wish for this person to be happy, and I wish for that person to be happy." That is it. I remind them to not do or say anything, just think - this is an entirely thinking exercise. The entire exercise is just 10 seconds' worth of thinking.
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