Posts tagged q&a
Building Strength Podcast #71 - Q&A / 3 Years of The Building Strength Podcast

Show Notes:

3:20 - Top 5 episodes of this podcast that you NEED to listen to

17:00 - What do you think about goal-setting, building rituals and resolutions?

28:00 - Home gym essentials on a budget

34:00 - How is it possible that I weigh the same but my stomach is getting bigger?

38:00 - The importance of slowing down in the gym

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Building Strength Podcast #54 - Q&A / Strength Training and Progress / Nutrient Timing and Supplements / Learning New Skills

In this episode, I deep dive on a set of listener questions based on strength training, how to establish and work towards certain goals, nutrient timing, supplementation and learning new skills. I am trying out a new format for this podcast and I think this will be very beneficial for my listeners. If you have a question or multiple questions, please send them over and I will dedicate a full episode to answering them.

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